
Staff Contacts

Staff Directory

Stephanie Castellanos….

(CAC) Executive Director……….

scastellanos@gfnf4kids.org 772.807.3868 Ext: 101

Gloria Santavicca………..

Volunteer Supervisor……………….

gsantavicca@gfnf4kids.org 772.807.3868 Ext: 108

Vita White…………………

(DCF): Supervisor……………………

vita.white@myflfamilies.com 772.807.3868 Ext: 140

Wanda Eckhoff…………..

Victim Advocate……………………

weckhoff@sao19.org 772.807.3868 Ext: 160

Lacey Buxton…………….

Director of Mental Health……….

lbuxton@hcc4kids.org 772.807.3868 Ext: 151

Kenyel Day………………

CPT Director………………………..

kenyel.day@flhealth.gov 772.807.3868 Ext: 143

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