
Mental Health Services

Mental Health Services

Our therapists are caring staff trained to provide services to families and guidance as they work together through the crisis at hand. All our staff are trauma-trained professionals.

When a family member seeks help for any type of a crisis that affects their family, a Hibiscus Family Advocate will complete an intake evaluation over the phone to begin the process. Once it is determined that the family does not have an open case of abuse or neglect with the State, a Family Advocate is assigned to work with the family seeking assistance. Weekly home visits by the Advocate are arranged and plans are put into place to help alleviate the immediate crisis and minimize the chance of it being repeated in the future.

Case Management Services provided include financial aid to avoid evictions or to reinstate utilities, if funding is available; help with domestic violence and substance abuse issues; and in-home counseling to help parents develop parenting, stress management, jobs and budgeting skills.

Our Family Advocates work closely with the CAC to help assist families with resources available in the community. Referrals are an integral part of this program to ensure families have their needs met.

Mental Health Services are Provided by the Professionals of Hibiscus Children’s Center and the GFNF4Kids | CAC staff.

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