
Medical Examinations

Medical Examinations

Beyond the physical component of the exam, our Pedi-SANE Nurse providers help assure parents that their child is healthy and that if abuse has occurred, it will not be visible to others. Our nurses offer extensive, one-on-one consultation not received during a regular doctor’s visit and take as much time as necessary to help the children by explaining each step of the exam and finding ways to put the child at ease. Although there are very rarely physical signs of sexual abuse, many families find reassurance knowing that no permanent physical damage has been done.

Our center also has on-site victim advocates from the “The Sexual Assault Assistance Program of the Treasure Coast,” which provides emergency scheduled forensic medical evaluations for adult victims of sexual assault.

They are the first to greet our children when they arrive at the Center and the last to see them when they leave. Every family that is referred to the CAC is assigned a Victim Advocate who serves as their primary point of contact and support person as they navigate the multiple systems and agencies involved in protecting children.

Medical Exams are conducted by the professionals of Children’s Home Society of Florida.

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