GuardingKids is a Community Outreach Prevention Program that uses the Monique Burr Foundation Child Safety Matters curriculum which is a comprehensive, evidence-based prevention education program that presents lessons in a fun, engaging, and age appropriate way. The program is offered in Florida’s 19th Judicial Circuit which includes St. Lucie, Indian River, Martin and Okeechobee counties.

Guarding, Uniting, and Advocating for Resiliency and Dignity

Program Featues and Benefits:
- • Evidence based
- • Easy and practical for schools to implement
- • Developmentally appropriate for students in grades kindergarten through five
- • Based on polyvictimization research
- • Provides universal strategies to better protect children, including five easy-to-remember Safety Rules
- • Educates children, school staff, and parents
- • Provides practice and reinforcement of learned skills
- • Created, reviewed, and supported by experts
- • Trusted by parents and schools
The framework for Darkness to Light’s educational model is the 5 Steps to Protecting Children. The prevention trainings, community advocacy, and communications strategy is based upon the principles taught in these steps.
Program Topics:
Lesson 1
- • Safety awareness
- • Shared responsibility for safety
- • Safe Adults
- • Types of abuse
- • Red Flags
- • Safety Rules
Lesson 2
- • Bullying
- • Cyberbullying
- • Digital abuse
- • Digital safety tips
- • Digital citizenship
- • Safety Rules

Kristy Conway
Community Outreach Coordinator
Ms. Conway has been a resident of Saint Lucie County for the last 30 years. She has a master’s degree in family studies. Ms. Conway has spent many years on the Treasure Coast advocating for children and families. As a former child of the foster care system, Ms. Conway’s passion is to represent and improve the lives of disadvantaged youth.