Multidisciplinary Team
CAC Services
Multidisciplinary Team / The Advocacy Model
A Multidisciplinary Team working on child abuse cases consist of: law enforcement, child protection investigator, prosecutor, victim/family advocacy, medical and mental health professionals.
The Multidisciplinary Team is the foundation of the GFNF4Kids Children’s Advocacy Center’s response to allegations of child abuse. Our MDT is a group of professionals from distinct disciplines that collaborates from the point of a report of abuse, throughout a child and family’s involvement with the CAC. MDT members include: prosecutors, law enforcement detectives, DCF’s investigators, forensic interviewers, victim/family advocates, medical professionals, and mental health therapists.
MDT Case Reviews
MDT case reviews is a formal process by which knowledge, experience and expertise of MDT members is shared and discussed, and informed decisions made, where collaborative efforts are fostered, formal and informal communications are promoted, mutual support is provided, and protocols/procedures are reviewed. The case review process encourages mutual accountability and helps to ensure that children’s needs are met sensitively, effectively and in a timely manner.
MDT members come together to share case information, to contribute their own unique expertise to each child’s case and to focus on a child-centered approach to child maltreatment cases. During the case review the team will: discuss, plan, and monitor the progress of the investigation by reviewing medical evaluations, discussing child protection and other safety issues, discussing emotional support and treatment needs of the child and family, assessing the family’s reactions and response to the child’s disclosure, discussing ongoing cultural and special needs issues relevant to the case, and considering other factors as determined by the team.
MDT Participation
The GFNF4Kids Children’s Advocacy Center ensures direct communication between the MDT members working on cases. It is not enough that members show up, they must actively participate in case meetings to positively impact the teams review process and most importantly provide the best services for the child that promotes healing.