
How It Works

How It Works

The word alone is hard to hear. And when a child has been abused, it is even harder to know where to turn for help, guidance, and understanding.

The first step is the Children’s Advocacy Center. The Center has the experience to help children and families navigate a complex system while staying focused on what matters most: child safety and well-being.

Helping abused children and their families requires an approach that addresses the physical, emotional and legal dimensions of abuse. It requires a coordinated response from expert professionals to reduce stress throughout the investigation of an intervention process.

The Children’s Advocacy Center brings together an array of professionals to confer and conclude about investigations, treatment, and prosecution of child abuse cases. he investigation of crimes against children. We work in partnership with all the necessary agencies, including police, prosecutors, child protection services, victim advocates, medical and mental health professionals, and other specialists to coordinate a plan of action.

We provide high-quality, specialized services for abused children and their families in the comfort and convenience of our child-friendly location. All of our services are completely free for the family. The Children’s Advocacy Center creates a vital link between community services and victims of child abuse.

The CAC Process

From Allegation to Prosecution, what you need to know about the Children’s Advocacy Center process and our partnering agencies role.

Are you scheduled for CAC services? Not sure what to expect? Have questions or concerns? Need to make arrangements for additional services? Please complete the below information and our CAC Coordinator will contact you as soon as possible.

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