


Get a Xander Bunny for a child you care about to provide them comfort and relief. These weighted stuffed animals are a great staple to add to a bedtime routine or to have around whenever the child needs it.

When you donate $250 or more, we will provide a Xander Bunny to a child, which comes in multiple colors and sizes so that you can find the perfect stuffed animal for your child.

This snuggly stuffed animal also has a pouch that holds lavender buds and Michigan cherry stones that can be warmed up or cooled down for a soothing lavender scent that’s perfect for bedtime! Lavender has powerful calming effects. If your child wrestles with sleepless nights and deals with anxiety, lavender can ease the mind and body. It also works wonders to calm headaches and put your child in a calm overall state.

We have been married for over 30 years, have 4 amazing married daughters and driven by our values – Learning/ Imagination/ Friendship and Excellence (LIFE). lavender-life.com

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