For less than 40 cents per day you will be protecting children and helping those who have been victimized by abuse in your community. If all our friends gave $12 a month the Children’s Advocacy Center will be better equipped to provide the most innovative programs and services. Your donation allows us to provide mental health counseling to victims of abuse, child abuse prevention programs, specialized training, community outreach, and advocacy case management.
The Issue:
Child abuse is not only a tragedy for the child and family, but for our entire community. Protecting children is a community responsibility. The Children’s Advocacy Center relies on volunteers, community ambassadors and in kind and monetary donors to ensure that every child and family gets the help they deserve.
Membership Perks:
- • Quarterly Magazine
- • Virtual Donor Wall
- • Biannual Breakfast
- • Facility Tour
- • Access to Meeting Space
- • Receive Lavender Bunny